
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Jon Terry - A Day @ work

Arrival in office

Me @ my desk.  Shhhhh..don't tell mommy I told you that *wink*

Monitoring the work progress of others...hahahahaha

Brandon the student spending his lunch break playing with  me

Me commending Aunty Nancy for her effort and hardwork in supervising the homeschool students.              I gave her my wooflicious LICK on her cheek...see how happy and motivated she is to work =D

Supervising the student together with Aunty Nancy

Mommy, don't you have any work to do?

Me catching a short wink @ the desk with the piles of files and papers around.

Me taking a longer nap in my comfy bed

AHHHHHHH...nothing beats than to have a good sleep after a day of hard work =D


The Daily Pip said...

Gosh, you are so lucky you get to go to work with your mom! I have to stay home when my mom goes to work. Thanks for commenting on my blog. I am your newest follower.

Your pal, Pip

Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

Looks like you did a good job of helping your mom at work. We can't go with our mom & dad to work :(

Pugs & Kisses,

Yoda & Brutus

George The Lad said...

Oh you are just soooo cute, wish I could pick you up and give you a cuddle
Love Yea George xxx

Oskar said...

My mom person let out an awful loud squeee when she saw your pictures!

Great job supervising!

Nubbin wiggles,

Suka said...

hey Jon Terry,

My human LOVES the photos of you! She could never take me to work because I am much too big. It must be fun to snoopervise your mom at work! And how nice of Aunty Nancy and Brandon to give you hugs and love! You had a nap well deserved!


Jon Terry said...

Pip, Yoda & Brutus: I only get to mommy's office once in awhile. Most of the time, i'm just like you guys in the house. No worries, if i do get to the office, you can be assured that you guys are joining me as you all are always in my heart and mind =D

Jon Terry said...

I love to have you cuddle me ^^

Oskar & Suka:
Thanks alot for the compliments and encouragement. Love you guys!!

Neeko said...

I tell you! You are the cutest Shih Tzu puppy...
My Sis' boyfriend looked just like you when he was your age. His name was Ming Toi.

Pawsome work at the office my friend!

Neeko :o)


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