
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hungry Wednesday

Can you get my hint..hint???


Stewey said...

Hmmm - you want a snack???

Asta said...

I would gladly shawe all my snacks wif you sweet boy
I love you
Smoochie kisses

George The Lad said...

Hi my cute friend, sorry I have not visited you in a while, moms not letting us on the laptop much these days, so we find it hard to keep up with all our very dear friends.
I have just read about onions, so glad it is working for you. Mom says onions is a good word, getting through the layers, to find the problem
Anyways you look hungry so I will leave you to get your tea :)
Mom sends kisses on the wind that they will help keep you cool.
Have a good week
See Yea George xxx

GRAÇA said...

Eu sou uma gatinha que foi adoptado e tive a sorte de ter uma mãe que me dá muito amor e que me deu nome Kika
Como eu amo ter amigos venho convida-te para seres minha amiga, adorei te conhecer e teu blog ,já te estou a seguir, vais lá ao meu blog e vais encontrar outros amigos que já conheces e outros novos!
Costumo fazer sorteios para nos divertirmos e conto coisas de amigos ...logo verás
Gostava de te ter no meu grupo de amigos
Fico esperando tua visita
Turrinhas carinhosas miaumiau

Chicco said...

Hello dear Jon,

what a lovely big tongue you have, my friend :)
Have a nice day.
Woof, woof,



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